Adam Daley Wilson - Appellate Law - Public Interest Advocacy

Adam Daley Wilson is an appellate lawyer and public interest advocate. Appellate law for firms; public interest advocacy through art and law.

Adam Wilson | Art Law | Federal Appellate Law | First Amendment | IP / Intellectual Property | Artist Rights | Federal Practice | Nationwide | Portland Maine | Adam Daley Wilson is an attorney, lawyer, mediator, artist, and public speaker.



As this site shows, this writing service is only for lawyers and law firms — not the public — and I do not represent anyone as an attorney. I do not and will not provide legal advice or a legal consultation. I can provide contact information to referral programs run by the applicable state bar.

This is an independent contractor freelance writing service. It is only for licensed attorneys / lawyers and law firms.  I do not serve as counsel and I do not represent or advise law firms, lawyers, companies, or individuals. I conduct research and I write drafts that attorneys then review, edit, and then file through their law firms.

I do not work with the public and the writing service is not intended for the public.  Similarly, this website is not intended for the public. This website is attorney advertising in jurisdictions where it must be so designated.  I do not write for attorneys or law firms in jurisdictions where freelance writing is prohibited by professional responsibility rules or otherwise.

The law firms and lawyers that I work with structure me as an independent contractor: They hire Adam Daley Wilson LLC, of which I am the sole employee/owner.

If you reach this site searching for a lawyer, I do not serve in that role. As such, please consult an attorney in your state if you believe you have a particular issue or case.  For each of the above reasons, this site and its contents do not create an attorney client relationship.  Your use of this site constitutes your understanding of, and agreement with, the information in this disclaimer, including that I do not and will not provide legal advice or a legal consultation or representation to individual persons or the general public. Thank you.