Adam Daley Wilson - Appellate Law - Public Interest Advocacy

Adam Daley Wilson is an appellate lawyer and public interest advocate. Appellate law for firms; public interest advocacy through art and law.

Adam Wilson | Art Law | Federal Appellate Law | First Amendment | IP / Intellectual Property | Artist Rights | Federal Practice | Nationwide | Portland Maine | Adam Daley Wilson is an attorney, lawyer, mediator, artist, and public speaker.

Adam Daley Wilson is an appellate lawyer and public interest advocate through art and law.

He does not provide legal services to the public.

This page relates to appellate legal writing for qualifying small law firms.

Click here for pages relating to public interest advocacy.

2025 Appellate Update

Now semi-retired and taking new matters selectively.

(207) 699-9957 /

Testimonials and examples of repeat business below.

Why appellate freelancing? I left practice—first at Am Law 100 firms in San Francisco and Washington DC after a federal appellate clerkship, then at a disability rights nonprofit — when I unexpectedly became a successful conceptual artist in 2017.

Represented by Engage Projects Gallery in Chicago since 2020. The gallery represents about 20 conceptual artists from around the world. More info is on the gallery’s website.

Both solo shows to date were selected by Artforum Magazine as ‘Must See’ in Chicago (2021, 2023). Both solo shows also received additional positive critical reviews.

3rd solo show scheduled for May 16-June 28, 2025. More information is here.

Panel Member / Art and law talk, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto California, 2024 (SLS 99).


“Stellar” — Partner at Los Angeles boutique litigation firm regarding a Ninth Circuit appeal.

“Adam is a serious All-Star.” — Partner at Houston / Atlanta litigation firm regarding motions for summary judgment and state court appeal.

“Excellent work and very cool to work with.” — Partner at Los Angeles boutique litigation firm. Multiple briefs over past four years.

“I keep calling you and using your briefs with virtually no changes, what higher compliment is there?” — Partner at San Francisco complex litigation and class action firm.

“Excellent as always, thanks Adam. I’ll call again soon.” — Partner / founder at Los Angeles and Las Vegas firm regarding a Ninth Circuit appeal.

“Fantastic [appellant’s opening] brief, excellent work. Do you have time for more briefs?” — Founding Partner at Texas litigation firm.

“Excellent, thanks. We’re happy with it and want to work with you again.” — Partner at Philadelphia firm regarding Sixth Circuit opening and reply briefs.

“[S]o perceptive and so competent . . . incredibly grateful to have [you] on our team.” — Founding partner at small Boston-based firm.

“I trust your writing and I trust the way you think.” — Silicon Valley solo practitioner from Biglaw.

“Five stars — Very happy to have your help on my project.” — Partner at Los Angeles midsize law firm.

“The [two summary judgment] opposition briefs written by Adam were excellent.” — Partner and leading California appellate lawyer.

“I call Adam again and again because he does great work.” — Partner at a New York City boutique litigation firm.

“Excellent work and very cool to work with.” — Partner at Los Angeles boutique litigation firm.

“I keep calling Adam because he knows how to litigate and he’s a great sounding board for strategy on my projects.” — Silicon Valley solo practitioner.

“Amazing.” — Partner at mid-size Los Angeles litigation firm regarding summary judgment opposition involving expert witness.

“Adam polishes my motions, writes briefs from scratch, and in some ways serves as an outside senior associate. He gets the big picture fast, and he meets my clients’ budgets.” — California partner at three-partner law firm.

“Adam’s [Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6)] brief was very, very good.” — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / New Jersey complex litigation attorney.

“Adam fit seamlessly into my practice as a temporary contract employee for my projects.” — Silicon Valley / San Francisco / Bay Area transactional / business litigation lawyer.

“I’ve loved working with you [on three prior briefing projects in 2021 and 2022] — I have three more briefs coming up [in 2022 and early 2023], do you have time?”


Negotiable major market rate: $375 / hour.

Let’s make it work to fit your law firm’s particular market and your law firm’s particular needs.

Payment is by you —the lawyer / the law firm — not your client.


J.D., Stanford Law, 1999. Stanford Law Review. Moot Court.

Clerkship, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

About a decade of private practice at Gibson Dunn (SF office) and Crowell & Moring (DC office).

Practice areas at those firms:

Appellate, civil and criminal antitrust, complex litigation, soft IP litigation, constitutional law, some white collar crime, and some Supreme Court briefing.

Licensed in California (1999), the District of Columbia (2001), and Maine (2009).

For my full resume click here.

2024 Updates — Testimonials, Repeat Business, Types of Work

“You’re like the MVP who helps get us to the playoffs every time.” — Founder of Los Angeles boutique litigation firm, repeat business for almost five years.

Briefing to the Maine Supreme Court (Maine Law Court) on issues of first impression under state law including attorney-client privilege, attorney-client conflicts of interest, breaches of fiduciary duties by lawyers; rules of professional responsibility; legal malpractice; legal ethics in the context of torts.

Repeat Business and Types of Work — Prior Years

For a Palo Alto / Silicon Valley small law firm: Appeal in California state court (appellee / commercial / business litigation). Repeat work: Successful opposition briefs to demurrer and motion to strike (financial and intellectual property / IP litigation). Asked to serve as sounding board on discovery, litigation, and pre-trial strategy.

For a Los Angeles midsize law firm:  Successful summary judgment opposition brief in California state court (tort claims). Repeat work: Second successful MSJ opposition brief (strict liability). More repeat work pending. Asked to advise on case strategies, oral argument prep, and Writs (personal injury / causation).

For a metro New York City law firm:  Successful motion to compel in Federal District Court for a qui tam action (Chicago). Repeat work: Draft complaints in Federal District Court for two more whistleblower / False Claims Act actions (Philadelphia). More repeat work: Second motion to compel in Federal District Court (Seattle) for another fraud action. Five additional repeat projects; more repeat work pending.

For a Philadelphia law firm: Sixth Circuit appeal (appellants’ opening brief and reply brief) (contract law, copyright law, intellectual property law, media law).

For a San Francisco / Bay Area small law firm: Successful summary judgment opposition motion (soft IP / trade secrets / copyright / commercial litigation) in Federal District Court.

For a Los Angeles midsize law firm: Successful opposition brief in response to motion for summary judgment (commercial real estate claims) in California state court. Repeat work: Second successful MSJ opposition brief (fraud, financial claims, business litigation). Three additional repeat matters to date; additional repeat work pending.

For a New York City / Manhattan midsize law firm: Draft sections of brief in response to motion for summary judgment in multiparty complex litigation environmental matter (federal statutory claims) in Federal District Court (SDNY).

For a Las Vegas litigation boutique: Rule 12(b)(6) opposition brief (Constitutional law / Sections 1983, 1985 / Bivens / FTCA claims) in Federal District Court (Nevada). Repeat work: Draft amended complaint and brief above issues for appellants in Ninth Circuit brief.

For a Philadelphia small law firm: Draft Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss in Eastern District of Pennsylvania ( federal RICO, state RICO, common law breach of contract, fraud, fraudulent inducement, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, and other state common law claims under supplemental jurisdiction; additional briefing regarding RICO standing; proximate causation; injury, damages, and Rule 9(b) particularity and plausibility under Iqbal and Twombly.

For a Los Angeles midsize law firm: Opposition brief in response to motion for summary judgment (Fourth Amendment) in Federal District Court (Oregon).

For a San Francisco / Bay Area midsize law firm: Complex discovery motion in Federal District Court for mass tort / environmental class action (San Diego); repeat work pending.

For a Los Angeles / Orange County midsize law firm:  Case strategy / consulting and expert witness analyses for matters in Arizona state court and Washington, D.C. (business reputation / defamation and related financial claims with multiple experts). Three projects to date; more repeat assignments anticipated.

For a San Jose / Silicon Valley midsize law firm: Intellectual property (IP) legal research and writing (memorandum) on short / rush turnaround for California mediation.

For a Manhattan / New York City environmental boutique law firm: Draft sections of opposition Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss in Federal District Court (New Jersey).

For a Los Angeles small law firm: Oppositions to two demurrers and two motions to strike (defamation — slander per se and slander per quod, libel, actual damages, special damages, and punitive damages); underlying issues of assault and negligence.

For a Los Angeles midsize firm: Legal research re: SLAPP / anti-SLAPP in commercial real estate context; draft pre-trial motion.

For a Detroit, Michigan solo practitioner:  Opposition brief in response to MSJ (commercial / business / financial litigation) in Federal District Court (Miami / Florida); subsequent repeat work (contract disputes).

For a San Francisco law firm: assist as class counsel in class action with class certification granted; brief writing responsibilities ranging from briefing re motions to quash to attorney client privilege issues to statute of limitations issues and more; pending additional briefing regarding discovery standard (reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence versus evidentiary relevance ) and burdens upon discovery disputes.

For a Los Angeles small law firm: Oppositions to multiple motions to strike and oppositions to multiple demurrers, continuing repeat work (professional malpractice).

For a Las Vegas, Nevada small law firm: Draft opposition to MTD (Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED) and punitive damages).

Some 2020-2024 Appeals and Writs / Federal and State Courts

Supreme Court — opposition to petition for Writ of Certiorari on copyright / intellectual property / contract / circuit split issues.

Ninth Circuit — corporate / commercial / business, appellee.

Sixth Circuit — copyright / intellectual property / contract, appellant.

California Court of Appeals — SLAPP / defamation, appellant.

Ninth Circuit — commercial / contract / business, appellee.

Louisiana Court of Appeals — education / negligent supervision, appellant.

Ninth Circuit — Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) / common law tort, appellant.

Ninth Circuit — Constitutional Law / Fourth Amendment / Section 1983.

Maine Supreme Court (The Law Court) — questions of first impression re legal malpractice and misuse of mental illness disability.

Some prior appellate briefing at Big Law (on 2-3 person appeals teams)

First Circuit — environmental law / Clean Water Act / administrative law, appellant.

Second Circuit — vexatious litigation / ethics / FRCP Rule 11, appellee.

Third Circuit — [two-year clerkship / Hon. Franklin S. Van Antwerpen].

Fourth Circuit — environmental law / CWA / CAA, appellee.

District of Columbia Court of Appeals — Constitutional Law, damages, appellee.

SCOTUS — petition for Writ of Certiorari — statutory issues / federal land use.

SCOTUS — merits brief — statutory issues / federal land use.

SCOTUS — amicus curiae brief — Constitutional Law / punitive damages.

SCOTUS — amicus curiae brief — tort issues.


(207) 699-9957


For more information click here.

current public interest work

Art as advocacy and advocacy as art —

More details — (a) extended article on Medium … (b) short overview at BP1 Conceptual Art … (c) YouTube link … and Daily Motion link … Underlying Federal District Court Complaint is here.

PDF — recent 2025 Federal District Court Complaint underlying the current mental illness exploitation advocacy.


2023 — I have active licenses in California, the District of Columbia, and Maine. I primarily serve attorneys and law firms geographically located in the following cities and states unless not allowed by a particular state: California, Washington, D.C., New York, Maine, New Jersey, Metro NYC, Florida, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Silicon Valley, San Diego, Orange County, the Bay Area, Oakland, New York City, Manhattan, Brooklyn, greater Miami, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Metro DC, Charlotte, Seattle, Boston, Atlanta, Portland, Baltimore, Detroit, Austin, and more. In many respects, except where not allowed, I freelance on a nationwide basis. Let’s chat if you have any questions.